Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Thoughts

So as I'm writing this, about five minutes ago I had a 5 month old on my hip, bouncing him up and down, patting his bottom and "shhh-ing" in his ear trying to keep him quiet while everyone else sleeps, I realize..I think I might be okay with not having children for a couple years. Because I've got 16 at work. All from 5 months to 5 years. Let me tell you, they are all pieces of work. Sweet, silly, annoying pieces of work. I love them all. But who am I kidding, I still want one to call my own. In my dream for now. I'm in this three-way battle of.. 1. Want kids now, 2. Want to travel first, and 3. Fiance wants kids after he finishes school. So either way, it's in my dreams for now.

On another semi related note, I have been wanting to get my dermal back in my chest for a long time now, and it just clicked in my head as the little one had a death grip on the neck of my shirt, I don't think that a shiny and attractive piece of metal in my chest is a swell idea right now. Another thing that has to be on hold. 

Okay so I feel like I am one of those girls who can make books from the thoughts in my head. A book a's that bad. For me being such a shy, socially scared person, I have a lot to say. Maybe that makes complete sense, I'm not sure. I don't want to make Jesse listen to the thoughts in my head, that is just cruel haha! I think I may just start writing them down here. My daily thoughts on my blog. Some might not like it and never read it, and others may actually read and it and have input like "hey I totally relate to that" and "here is my two cents". This could turn into something cool. It really is nice to know that people may feel the exact same as you on different things. Especially if half my thoughts are pure craziness and if I am not alone it will certainly make me feel great! 

Fast forward about 3 hours. All my kids are awake and hyper.. Everyone. Single. One. This day was turning out to be more on the stressful side than the fun side. I have Play-Doh in my socks. Yeah, that doesn't feel very nice. Someone wants to dump out literally every single toy. Which I don't mind putting back, but he games it a game. See how fast we can cover the entire floor with toys. He is great at that game. Finally sat down to eat, dark chocolate of course, because I'm a huge fatty. One girl asks if she can have one. TOTALLY WITHOUT THINKING I SAID "ask your daddy when he gets here". I feel so bad for him because she went nuts when he finally came. They say you learn something new every day. Today I learned that chocolate is a big deal to this little one. Let me tell you about that! I couldn't help but laugh even though I really did feel bad. 

Aren't kids funny like that. Sometimes you smallest things you say to them can turn into something so SO much bigger. You live and you learn.

Do you have an crazy, silly, funny kids stories? I'd love to hear them!!

Right now I'm sitting at my fiance's job waiting for his lunch break. I just found out yesterday Kyle, TX (which is 10 minutes from SMTX) has a Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts here. That's our dinner tonight. Sugar overload! Haha jk!

Later I should have some of the photos up from spring break tonight, so check back to see if they are here!

*UPDATE: I am currently trying to upload my photos but it is saying my files are too big. Sad face. So I am going to have to wait until my fiance gets home from work to figure this out. Hopefully it will all get fixed up uploaded by the morning!!**

Hope you guys had a great day! Tell me if you like this daily thoughts idea/how my day went bit! Or if you have any other suggestions, let me know!  If you just want to talk feel free to! I love meeting new people! 

Leave your blog name below so I can check it out!!! 

Don't forget to check out my social media down below, and tell your friends about me! I love meeting new people Have a great day!


~ Follow my Social Media ~

☀ life, love, and exploration

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Hello! I love reading and replying to all of your comments, so feel free to say anything! I love making friends! Make sure you leave your blog name (or social media) below so I can view it! To make your link clickable add: <a href=YOUR BLOG URL">YOUR BLOG NAME</a> Have a great day!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Thoughts

So as I'm writing this, about five minutes ago I had a 5 month old on my hip, bouncing him up and down, patting his bottom and "shhh-ing" in his ear trying to keep him quiet while everyone else sleeps, I realize..I think I might be okay with not having children for a couple years. Because I've got 16 at work. All from 5 months to 5 years. Let me tell you, they are all pieces of work. Sweet, silly, annoying pieces of work. I love them all. But who am I kidding, I still want one to call my own. In my dream for now. I'm in this three-way battle of.. 1. Want kids now, 2. Want to travel first, and 3. Fiance wants kids after he finishes school. So either way, it's in my dreams for now.

On another semi related note, I have been wanting to get my dermal back in my chest for a long time now, and it just clicked in my head as the little one had a death grip on the neck of my shirt, I don't think that a shiny and attractive piece of metal in my chest is a swell idea right now. Another thing that has to be on hold. 

Okay so I feel like I am one of those girls who can make books from the thoughts in my head. A book a's that bad. For me being such a shy, socially scared person, I have a lot to say. Maybe that makes complete sense, I'm not sure. I don't want to make Jesse listen to the thoughts in my head, that is just cruel haha! I think I may just start writing them down here. My daily thoughts on my blog. Some might not like it and never read it, and others may actually read and it and have input like "hey I totally relate to that" and "here is my two cents". This could turn into something cool. It really is nice to know that people may feel the exact same as you on different things. Especially if half my thoughts are pure craziness and if I am not alone it will certainly make me feel great! 

Fast forward about 3 hours. All my kids are awake and hyper.. Everyone. Single. One. This day was turning out to be more on the stressful side than the fun side. I have Play-Doh in my socks. Yeah, that doesn't feel very nice. Someone wants to dump out literally every single toy. Which I don't mind putting back, but he games it a game. See how fast we can cover the entire floor with toys. He is great at that game. Finally sat down to eat, dark chocolate of course, because I'm a huge fatty. One girl asks if she can have one. TOTALLY WITHOUT THINKING I SAID "ask your daddy when he gets here". I feel so bad for him because she went nuts when he finally came. They say you learn something new every day. Today I learned that chocolate is a big deal to this little one. Let me tell you about that! I couldn't help but laugh even though I really did feel bad. 

Aren't kids funny like that. Sometimes you smallest things you say to them can turn into something so SO much bigger. You live and you learn.

Do you have an crazy, silly, funny kids stories? I'd love to hear them!!

Right now I'm sitting at my fiance's job waiting for his lunch break. I just found out yesterday Kyle, TX (which is 10 minutes from SMTX) has a Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts here. That's our dinner tonight. Sugar overload! Haha jk!

Later I should have some of the photos up from spring break tonight, so check back to see if they are here!

*UPDATE: I am currently trying to upload my photos but it is saying my files are too big. Sad face. So I am going to have to wait until my fiance gets home from work to figure this out. Hopefully it will all get fixed up uploaded by the morning!!**

Hope you guys had a great day! Tell me if you like this daily thoughts idea/how my day went bit! Or if you have any other suggestions, let me know!  If you just want to talk feel free to! I love meeting new people! 

Leave your blog name below so I can check it out!!! 

Don't forget to check out my social media down below, and tell your friends about me! I love meeting new people Have a great day!


~ Follow my Social Media ~

☀ life, love, and exploration

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Hello! I love reading and replying to all of your comments, so feel free to say anything! I love making friends! Make sure you leave your blog name (or social media) below so I can view it! To make your link clickable add: <a href=YOUR BLOG URL">YOUR BLOG NAME</a> Have a great day!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Thoughts

So as I'm writing this, about five minutes ago I had a 5 month old on my hip, bouncing him up and down, patting his bottom and "shhh-ing" in his ear trying to keep him quiet while everyone else sleeps, I realize..I think I might be okay with not having children for a couple years. Because I've got 16 at work. All from 5 months to 5 years. Let me tell you, they are all pieces of work. Sweet, silly, annoying pieces of work. I love them all. But who am I kidding, I still want one to call my own. In my dream for now. I'm in this three-way battle of.. 1. Want kids now, 2. Want to travel first, and 3. Fiance wants kids after he finishes school. So either way, it's in my dreams for now.

On another semi related note, I have been wanting to get my dermal back in my chest for a long time now, and it just clicked in my head as the little one had a death grip on the neck of my shirt, I don't think that a shiny and attractive piece of metal in my chest is a swell idea right now. Another thing that has to be on hold. 

Okay so I feel like I am one of those girls who can make books from the thoughts in my head. A book a's that bad. For me being such a shy, socially scared person, I have a lot to say. Maybe that makes complete sense, I'm not sure. I don't want to make Jesse listen to the thoughts in my head, that is just cruel haha! I think I may just start writing them down here. My daily thoughts on my blog. Some might not like it and never read it, and others may actually read and it and have input like "hey I totally relate to that" and "here is my two cents". This could turn into something cool. It really is nice to know that people may feel the exact same as you on different things. Especially if half my thoughts are pure craziness and if I am not alone it will certainly make me feel great! 

Fast forward about 3 hours. All my kids are awake and hyper.. Everyone. Single. One. This day was turning out to be more on the stressful side than the fun side. I have Play-Doh in my socks. Yeah, that doesn't feel very nice. Someone wants to dump out literally every single toy. Which I don't mind putting back, but he games it a game. See how fast we can cover the entire floor with toys. He is great at that game. Finally sat down to eat, dark chocolate of course, because I'm a huge fatty. One girl asks if she can have one. TOTALLY WITHOUT THINKING I SAID "ask your daddy when he gets here". I feel so bad for him because she went nuts when he finally came. They say you learn something new every day. Today I learned that chocolate is a big deal to this little one. Let me tell you about that! I couldn't help but laugh even though I really did feel bad. 

Aren't kids funny like that. Sometimes you smallest things you say to them can turn into something so SO much bigger. You live and you learn.

Do you have an crazy, silly, funny kids stories? I'd love to hear them!!

Right now I'm sitting at my fiance's job waiting for his lunch break. I just found out yesterday Kyle, TX (which is 10 minutes from SMTX) has a Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts here. That's our dinner tonight. Sugar overload! Haha jk!

Later I should have some of the photos up from spring break tonight, so check back to see if they are here!

*UPDATE: I am currently trying to upload my photos but it is saying my files are too big. Sad face. So I am going to have to wait until my fiance gets home from work to figure this out. Hopefully it will all get fixed up uploaded by the morning!!**

Hope you guys had a great day! Tell me if you like this daily thoughts idea/how my day went bit! Or if you have any other suggestions, let me know!  If you just want to talk feel free to! I love meeting new people! 

Leave your blog name below so I can check it out!!! 

Don't forget to check out my social media down below, and tell your friends about me! I love meeting new people Have a great day!


~ Follow my Social Media ~

☀ life, love, and exploration

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Hello! I love reading and replying to all of your comments, so feel free to say anything! I love making friends! Make sure you leave your blog name (or social media) below so I can view it! To make your link clickable add: <a href=YOUR BLOG URL">YOUR BLOG NAME</a> Have a great day!!